
Every day leading bookmakers offer odds boosts on specific betting markets

Hi, I’m James. previously a “Matched Bettor” I made some beer money exploiting the free bets bookmakers are so fond of giving away. Inexperience and perhaps a bit of greed brought this to a grinding halt as one bookie after another started restricting my accounts and barring me from their promotions. After my initial feeling of being criminalised, I started to look at the trading of betting markets and very quickly learned that not only is this not for the faint hearted you need to devote a great deal of time and effort into making any degree of profit. Having little time on my hands as I am a full time truck driver, this was not feasible. There was a plus side to this foray though as in my quest for knowledge I discovered some interesting methods of research through watching you-tube videos aimed at, in the main, parting you from your money to the benefit of the video makers, but also imparting some valuable advice on research methods. One of these guys was Alex Ong ( What he spoke about made a lot of sense and the methods I use to determine my betting strategy. I, like many others, perhaps had aspirations to become a full time trader have put on my sensible head and gone back to just recreational betting(rarely staking more than £20) armed however with a more objectional point of veiw.
This blog is more of a writing hobby more than anything else but it is here for anyone to read. In it I analyse some of the boosted bets offered by bookmakers and give an opinion. This is exactly what it is, an opinion, and not advice! please gamble responsibly if you gamble at all 🙂

Greyhounds Backing The Favourite Day 4 (5th March 2024)

Day 4 started with my profit having been depleted once again down to £6.75 and day 4 finished with a small loss after backing all the days favourites. In this post I am going to look at grouping the races into a spread of distances to see how each group of distances faired. I am…

Greyhounds Backing The Favourite Day 3 (4th March 2024)

Going into day 3 I have an overall profit of £9.99 over the first two days of the trial. If you have missed these posts then they can be seen by cliccking the link below Day 1 Day 2 there are also links at the bottom of the post. Day 3 saw a total of…

Greyhounds Backing The Favourite Day 2 (3rd March 2024)

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